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 Open Day Thursday, June 1st 2017, at 18.00

Get Certified in Transfer Pricing!



Certificate in Transfer Pricing by the UK Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) through its Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (ADIT) qualification.



Today's international tax professional will have a varied background and the expectation that he or she will be increasingly mobile and will need an understanding of more than one taxation system. This stand alone certificate offered by CIOT through ADIT, developed and supervised by leading international tax practitioners and academics, meets the needs of international tax practitioners working in the corporate arena. It is a challenging and rigorous qualification but will reward you, your career, and your employer.



Course Providers:

StudySmart, P.S. Institute of Accountancy Ltd, Tax Atelier Ltd In Partnership with Tolley Tax Training (Part of LexisNexis)




Thursday, June 1st 2017, at 18.00 at StudySmart’s Training Center (after work drinks will be served)



Agenda & Presentations

  • 18.00 – 18.15: Welcome note, Transfer Pricing– Stats & Trends    
    By: Dr. Constantine 'Dino' Kiritsis (CEO, Founder StudySmart);

  • 18.15 – 18.45: Recent trends in Transfer Pricing, Documentation, Country by Country, 
    By: Amanda McDonough (Tolley Exam Training, Part of LexisNexis)

  • 18.45 – 19.15: EU Substance, Beneficial ownership, Exchange of Information, BEPS 
    By: Christos Theophilou (Partner TaxAtelier Ltd)

  • 19.15 – 19.45: Panel Discussion - How the ADIT TP exam will improve your client service 
    By: Amanda McDonough, Christos Theophilou, Dr. Constantine Kiritsis

  • 19.45 – 20.30: Drinks & Networking



2 hours



STC – StudySmart Training Center, Aigialeias 54, Marousi, 15125


Amanda McDonough, CTA, ACA

Amanda graduated with a first class degree in accountancy having won prizes in each year’s exams. She joined KPMG where she trained as a Chartered Accountant, and after eight years at KPMG working mainly with large corporate groups, Amanda moved to PricewaterhouseCoopers. At PwC Amanda was a senior manager. As well as running a corporate group, Amanda worked as part of a corporate finance team advising on the tax aspects of takeovers, buy-outs and off-market purchases. In 2000 Amanda joined BPP to fulfil a long held ambition to be involved in training full time having assisted in-house training both at KPMG and PwC. Amanda has a reputation for bringing humour and a practical slant to the CTA and ADIT classes. Students enjoy the many anecdotes she uses to bring the course to life. Having worked in the tax field for over 20 years, Amanda has a wealth of experience working in a ‘Big 4’ environment which makes her the ideal tutor for the ADIT and CTA Advanced Corporate Tax papers. Amanda joined the team at Tolley® Exam Training in early 2003. Amanda is responsible for designing ADIT courses and contributes to the CTA Corporate study material. As well as being involved in examination training, Amanda writes and presents professional development courses for large accountancy firms on overseas aspects of Corporate Tax and International Accounting Standards.


Christos Theophilou, BSc (Econ.), ACA, ADIT, Oxford MSc in Taxation 2016-2018 Partner Taxatelier Ltd

Christos is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus (ICPAC), and an International Tax Affiliate of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT). He qualified with KPMG (Cyprus) and holds a 4 year Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and the Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (ADIT) of the CIOT. Christos also holds the Transfer Pricing certificate of the CIOT. Christos is currently attending the Oxford MSc in Taxation a two-year part-time postgraduate degree offered by the Oxford University Faculty of Law. Christos is specialized in corporate tax issues with an international dimension, such as private equity structuring, cross-border investments, structured finance and international trade. Given his love of tax and lecturing he has also been at the forefront of developments in the Cyprus tax market by launching the first International Tax Academy in Cyprus by providing ADIT courses for the last 7 years in Partnership with Tolley Exam Training (part of LexisNexis) and PS Institute. He is also responsible for designing ADIT courses and also being involved in examination training. Christos is a well-known personality in the tax world, where he is a regular speaker on a wide range of conferences. He has a reputation for giving clear, enthusiastic lectures and always having time to help candidates - whether in choosing which ADIT options to study or helping with technical queries.



Dr. Antony Michail

T: 211 411 3235

M: 6955191595


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