About Us
StudySmart™ is a unique organization operating in the professional training, advisory and publishing fields. The company was founded by Dr. Constantine “Dino” Kiritsis in 2005 and is led by industry experts with 60+ years collective experience as entrepreneurs, leaders, educators, advisors, consultants and professional trainers.
StudySmart™ has an established track record of offering a broad range of professional services to demanding and diverse clients. Within that range of services lies our continuous support to talented professionals and our commitment to the rearing through StudySmart™ of the next generation of leaders.
In the field of professional training, StudySmart™ operates internationally in numerous European and Middle Eastern Countries such as Serbia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and others.
Helping you pass
Our main goal is to help youpass your exams and gainthe skilss and confidence toapply them in the workplace.
Our experienced professionals tutors are not only qualified and have gone through the same process as you are right now but also have working knowledge of the respectivebusiness functions and have animmense experience in teaching professional qualifications in more than 20 countries.
Benefits to Employers
By supporting your people through our qualifications, you will benefit from:
1. Developing a motivated, skilled & knowledgeable team
2. Attracting high-calibre professionals by investing in personal development
3. Enhancing business performance
4. Associating your organisation with best management practice